fredag 29 maj 2015

A short film by Thibault Odeitte

The French film maker Thibault Odiette has an on-going project called ”1film1auteur – Portraits d’écrivains” (1film1writer – Portraits of writers). A couple of days ago he finished a short film about me, shot in Saint-Nazaire and Paris a few years ago. On the facebook page of the project, Thibault Odiette writes:
”Parce que la Suède ce n'est pas seulement ’Millenium’, Camilla Läckberg ou Henning Mankell, mais Håkan Lindquist, un romancier d'une sensibilité rare, dont les romans sont un doux mélange, comme il le dit ici, de fiction et de mémoire, d'intime et d'universel.
Because Sweden it's not only ’Millenium’, Camilla Läckberg or Henning Mankell, but Håkan Lindquist, a writer of a rare sensibility, whose novels are a soft mixture, as he says it here, of fiction and memory, a mix of intimate and universal.”

Well, here’s Thibault Odiette’s film. The quality here is not the best. There are limitations for the size of a film file on Blogger, so the file had to be compressed quite a lot. Still, I hope you will enjoy it. The film is in English with French subtitles. You can also watch the film on Youtube.

And, thanks again, Thibault, for making this film!

Håkan Lindquist, 29 May 2015

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